The c programming language is generally said as God’s programming language, and it is rightly so. It is the base of programming, and if you can learn C language, you can quickly grasp any other programming language.
It is a general-purpose language and is extremely simple, flexible, and popular among the programmers. The C language is machine-independent, having a structured programming language and is used extensively for various applications. It is the primary language to write everything and can work in many operating languages like Windows and many others. It can write complex programs in Python interpreter, Oracle database, Git, and many more.
You can use the concept of C to grasp the knowledge of other languages quickly, and this is a significant reason for the popularity of C language. One needs to have a background in computer memory mechanism as it is an essential aspect for learning C programming properly.
C programming language was created by Dennis Ritchie, a great computer scientist in the year 1972 in Bell laboratories. The programming language was created from ‘ALGOL,’ ‘B’ programming language, and ‘BCPL,’ and it contains all the features of these languages. There are many more additional concepts incorporated in this language that make it unique and different from other languages.
The powerful ‘C’ programming language is strongly associated with the excellent UNIX operating system. Most of the operating systems of UNIX is coded with ‘C’ programming language. As ‘C’ became commercial, many compilers got released in cross-platform systems. Presently, ‘C’ language runs in a variety of hardware platforms and operating systems, and now there are different versions of this language available.
ANSI has defined a commercial standard for ’C’ programming language in 1989, and later it got approved from ISO in 1990. The ‘C’ programming language is also known as ‘ANSI C,’ and there are other languages like the C++ and java, that are developed from ‘C.’ Many technologies widely use these languages, and ‘C’ also forms the base for many other languages that are currently used.
As ‘C’ remains the base language for various other programming languages, if you can learn ‘C,’ it can help you to learn other languages quickly. ‘C’ shares the same concepts of operators, data types, control statements, and many other features with other languages. Since it is a straightforward language, and since it provides faster execution, it can be learned quickly and is highly popular. There is a high scope of getting several jobs once you have mastered this easy and powerful programming language.
‘C’ programming language has got 32 keywords, and there are various data types along with a set of powerfully built-inn functions that make it so efficient. Also, this programming language can easily extend itself, and it contains several features that become part of a library. There are various compilers available in the market that can be used easily to execute the programs written in this language. “C’ programming language is highly portable, and it becomes easy to run several programs written in ‘C’ language s in other machines. If you wish to use or if you want to execute codes in other computers, it becomes easy.
The critical application of ‘C’ language is as follows:
The objective of developing this middle-level programming language was for re-designing the UNIX operating system for enabling it for use on multiple computers. Earlier B was used to improve UNIX system, but it did not understand the data types, and it could not provide the use of the “structures.” It was the main driving force for developing the ’C’ programming language, and while this language retained the syntax of ‘B,’ it added many other features.
There can be excellent benefits of using ‘C’ language, and few significant benefits are as follows:
For a C programmer having good knowledge of programming, the career is bright, and there are lots of jobs available. At present, any person coming to Computer Science needs to be conversant with c programming. Information technology started with this fundamental language of C and C++, and even after several decades, it remains the preferred language.
There is an excellent job as Junior Programmer where you can start your coding career with C programming language. If you have 3-4 years of coding experience, you can easily get upgraded to senior level. The job includes necessary coding, reviewing codes, debugging, and technical documentation. You can also join as senior programmer quickly if you have gained around 3-4 years of experience if c programming language. As a senior programmer, your job involves mentoring and training the junior programmers and interacting with the clients.
You can be a successful software developer if you can master the C programming language. It can be a very respectable position, and you can have very high earning opportunities. Also, you can start the profession of a quality analyst where you will have to analyze every aspect of software designed by a software developer. There is a high scope of jobs as a game programmer, programming architect, UNIX shell scripting, etc. with the knowledge of C programming.
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